Winterization Information

Winterizing Your Rental

Winter in the Northwest is a challenge since temperatures vary so much, but we can dip below freezing anytime from October to Spring.  There are things you can do to prevent damage to your unit and save on utilities.  A broken pipe can flood your home.

12 tips for surviving the cold months

  1. Turn off the outside faucets, disconnect hoses and place an insulating cover over the faucet, otherwise your pipe could freeze and burst.
  2. Replace or clean the air filters in your furnace if you have one. If you have air vents, have them all open for good ventilation.
  3. If you have baseboard heat, keep furniture and blankets away from them. They will heat more efficiently, and there is less chance of a fire if they are clear.
  4. If you have a high ceiling fan, turning it on reverse will push warm air back toward the floor and keep you warmer.
  5. If it is very cold, open the cabinets beneath your sinks to keep the pipes from freezing.
  6. If it’s REALLY cold, leave a little trickle of water coming from sink faucets so they don’t freeze. Be sure your sink is draining properly if you do this!
  7. Maintain at least 62-65 degrees heat in your unit or home, even when you are gone.
  8. If a pipe freezes you’ll know because you can’t get any water out of it. Turn off the water valve immediately and call the management office so it can be thawed before it breaks.
  9. At the beginning of winter, check the batteries in your smoke detectors.
  10. If you have a fireplace, keep the flue closed unless you are using it. Warm air will go right up your chimney.
  11. Keep a shovel and some snow salt around if your steps become snowy or icy.
  12. Open curtains that face the sun in the daytime for warmth and light and close them at night for insulation.